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′Framed′ kitchens.

As you can see from the kitchen pictures shown below, the doors are surrounded by a solid frame to enclose the doors (often with a cock bead inner edge), they have brass butt hinges, as would be found on a traditional old fashioned bespoke kitchen, to give a continuous ′fitted′ look to a row of units.

Although this style looks more attractive, due to its ability to be ′bespoke′ it is generally found at a higher cost. This style is normally a more desired kitchen format on a more expensive kitchen budget.

A Framed kitchen is traditionally designed on a farmhouse style, as hand made furniture was constructed by craftsmen many years ago, before the modern kitchen. But today this traditional style can be adapted to give the same ′craftsmanship′ look, but using modern materials and high quality paint finishes, it will give an up to date style and finish acceptable in the best high quality modern kitchens.

Good Framed kitchens are normally in the top expensive end of the market, so are available with a much wider range of products such as timber full turned posts, special sized door frontals, full and broken pediments, curved ends, moulded flush plinth, the ability to build in virtually every appliance to blend with the kitchens overall design, special individually designed furniture, odd size matching accessories etc - and more.

There are a large number of national kitchen companies offering cheaper priced Framed units, but they are often offered flat pack, corner doors and drawers do not work in the design, brass butt hinges are replaced with concealed hinges with modern large bulky plates, the inside of the units are impossible to clean as the frame protrudes all round the inside edge, and there is only a limited range of sizes and appliance apperture options, giving it an obviously recognisable cheap look.

This style of kitchen demands quality to both look good and function correctly - or it is best left well alone.

Please ask for details.

Framed kitchen doorFramed kitchen door plus mouldingsFramed kitchen door plus drawers

Framed kitchen Island unit with pilasters Framed kitchen Island unit with pilasters Framed kitchen Island unit with pilasters
Framed kitchen Island unit with pilasters